Tag Archives: Trip Planning Mistakes

6 Mistakes Which Will Destroy your Trip Planning

Travel plan can be a tedious task. Scanning the internet to get some best deals for airlines and hotels is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is very difficult to get that perfect deal for your travel which will not be hard on your pocket. One might easily get confused because of the ever increasing number of online travel portals. In this confusion, you can make some mistakes thus forcing you to cough up some extra penny.

Here’s a list of 6 such mistakes which will destroy your trip planning:

1. Not being flexible with dates:

One of the biggest mistake people commit while travel planning is not being flexible with the dates. If you are planning an affordable trip, then staying rigid with the dates will surely affect your budget. If in case, the rates are too expensive on the said date, then you can easily opt for some other dates during the same period which will help you in your budgeted travel planning.

2. Not planning an itinerary:
Another most committed mistake, people just don’t plan an itinerary. Without a proper structure, your travel planning will eventually lead to being a costly affair.
A proper itinerary will help you to save a lot of money and time. You can make use of various travel itinerary apps, which ease your vacation plan. These apps give you information about the various attractions, your destination has. In addition to this, these apps also give you a comparison between the hotels so that you can easily spot the difference between the prices.

3. Booking too early or very late:
The prices of flight tickets tend to fluctuate with every single day. Hence, it is very important to book at a perfect time. Sometimes people book too early and end up paying more. Same is the case with booking too late. While booking at the last moment, most of the airlines increase their ticket prices which can be double of the original prices. In order to avoid this mistake, one must try not to book at night as most of the airlines have some exclusive offers for a limited period and that too in the morning hours. Hence, grab the opportunity and crack such lucrative deals.

4. Turning a blind eye towards the extra fees:
Sometimes most of the airlines or resorts don’t disclose the extra travel fees and you can end up paying more of your hard earned money. Hence it is necessary to do your homework while booking your hotels or resorts so that you will not get some shocking surprises.

5. Paying via credit card:

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Want a cashless vacation? Are you paying via credit card? Read before you decide! If you are paying credit card for your vacation , then you will be in for an unpleasant surprise. Most of the banks charge as much as 18% on the credit card transactions hence adding to your already loaded bill.

6. Just being lazy!
If you are looking for a budget friendly travel, then being a lazy lad will not do! You’ll always end up paying more than your actual budget. Hence, it is very necessary that you plan your travel properly without ignoring some important aspects like extra fees like baggage, parking, resorts. This will not only be hard on your pocket but also will leave a bad aftertaste.

So, keep these six points in mind while planning your travel and try not to commit them, ever again!

The 6 Biggest Trip Planning Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

Whether you are travelling abroad for the every first time or every year, there are some common mistakes everybody tends to make. Anything can go wrong right from making a travel plan to designing a travel itinerary through travel planner. The good news is, with a proper trip plan and a little care you can easily avoid these mistakes which saves you a lot of money as well as energy too.

Here are the 6 biggest trip planning mistakes you can easily avoid

1)Booking Late –


Many people tend to book their tickets right before leaving for the trip or a week before their vacation plan eventually ending up spending a lot more cash on tickets. It is never a good idea to book tickets that late. Always remember to do your booking early, at least a month or two before your trip. This not only saves you a lot of money but also ample time to plan your trip properly. Tuesdays and Wednesday are the days when ticket prices are the lowest. Therefore, try to book them on Tuesdays.    Always remember to be flexible with dates and do your bookings accordingly.

2)Over Packing –

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Remember to pack light always. You don’t want to end up all exhausted because of the weight of your luggage having the stuff you don’t really need. Try to pack the things that are actually important and useful. Over packing may cause problems as flying down to other country with the extra luggage is stressful. Therefore, try to avoid heavy luggage and try to make it as minimalistic as possible.

3)Not having a Travel Insurance –

Travel Insurance from Anywhere Anytime Journeys on Vimeo.

Having good travel insurance covers you on your cancellations. This saves you from paying lots of money. We always tend to ignore this option as we think nothing will happen. This should not be done. Always see to it that you have a good travel insurance that covers you on different things before you leave for your trip.

4)Missing Documents –


Keeping all the important documents in your luggage or hand bag is very important right when you are making a travel itinerary. You don’t want to end up stuck in a situation where you are stopped from doing a thing because you don’t have a certain document which is required. Hence, always keep a habit of putting up all the important documents and their copy in your hand bag. They should be easily accessible to you whenever required. Also, if you travelling abroad, it is important to let your bank know about it. If you face some problems regarding cash, you can always contact your bank.

5)Language and Currency Barrier – Visiting a foreign land you have never been to before? Wondering how to interact with people? Try to learn few basic words in their local language. It really helps as you can have good conversations with the people out there. Also knowing that you know their language makes them feel better, and as a result it builds your relationship with them easily. Knowing few basic words for greeting is sufficient. Also, remember to stack yourself up with some local currency as soon as you land in to the country. This helps you deal with the transactions easily.

6)Valuables Safety –

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It is very important to keep your valuables safe when you travel. We tend to ignore putting up locks and tags to our luggage to keep it safe. And thus we end up losing it. To avoid this mistake, always keep a habit of looking up to your luggage’s safety when you are travelling abroad.

Having a first aid box is also a must on your every trip. Never forget that. And remember, travel is all about the journey, so don’t worry, take good care, pack well and go for it.