Tag Archives: travel itinerary


For most of them, buying a Europe trip or round-the-world travel ticket is moment of lifetime. So many things are wrapped up in the situation; perfect travel planning can always be a tough task here. Which is why it’s is highly important to improve the way you plan a trip. We are sharing a few simple ways that you may try out when you next plan a vacation

1. Limit your distance –


We know it becomes tough not to try to seize your definite travel moments, but you cannot be everywhere at the same time, right? The world, rather universe is much grandeur than we can ever imagine and no matter what you will be leaving something behind. So, live the moment you are in and enjoy the destination you go to.

2. Do reality check– Things can be very flowery and goodie in travel blogs and articles on the internet, but if you are really planning to visit the destination, make sure you do a thorough reality check and don’t fall for the fantasies. Make your own travel itinerary or follow itinerary template. Be your own guide. If possible go for

3. Be the boss-

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Take care of your travel tickets, mapping the journey, taking tough roads, adventures, activities and explore the world like a true traveler. Do not limit yourself. This is the time to discover the fierce and fearless side of you as you go for the things that scared you once. Travel should and definitely does bring out the best in a human.

4. Pack the right stuff- I mean, if you’re going on a beach holiday to try some exciting water sports and then have plans for rigorous trekking and hiking, why carry fancy clothes? You may ditch those stilettos, backless dresses, high heels, make up kits and all. Just carry what you needs the most. A pair of sports shoes, backpack, jeans, shirts, etc. that’s all.

5. Plan in advance-

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Bookings done well in advance will always benefit you in terms of savings. Last minute hotel and flight bookings will cause a huge hole in your pocket. So, make sure you check all the deals and discount holiday packages beforehand. Also, check the discount couponing sites which offer seasonal deals on domestic and international trips.

6. Don’t wait for the right time-Remember the right time is always now. You have to plan your trip when you really feel like going on one. Not for the sake of a vacation season or so. It is better to travel off season when there is fewer crowds on the streets but the time should definitely shouldn’t be the priority for your travel.

So now that we have armed you with the simplest ways of improving your trip planning, we are sure you will make the best out of it. Also, don’t forget to share your experience with us and continue exploring till whatever age you can. Happy holidays


Travel is the best medicine and in order to have successful trips, you need to know a secret behind travel planning. Make sure to read as many articles as you can and use these tip to become a pro at plan a trip. Always do your bookings well in advance and use travel alerts to get the best deals real-time. You may also try checking other various couponing sites that have domestic and international flight/hotel booking discounts.

Today we’re here to share 6 little known ways to get the most out of your trip planning

1. Activate Travel Alerts- Do not miss any important travel deals and news updates’ regarding the hot discount seasonal offers that might benefit you. Travel portals usually have seasonal holiday packages and special discounts during festivals and year ends as many people plan their trips during these times

2. Use filters to find your Perfect Hotel –

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There are zillion of travel sites and portals that would boast of amazing deals and best market prices, but you need the most affordable and truly best price. Hence you need to evaluate what seriously is a best price hotel, before booking. What’s more? You even get to earn bonus pointers for each booking that you make.

3. Research and Read Reviews – Do not go in for any hotel or flight blindly, it is extremely important to read public reviews and do a thorough research about the place you are going to visit. There are some of the trusted brands in travel portals which you may consider checking out

4. Use Price Forecast – Book smartly with the price forecast that lets you save money and gives you a perfect deal on hotel and flights. Utilize the features where it shows you previous and real-time data of rates across the world.

5. Use Apps –


Check out those smart travel planner apps to estimate how far you can go. Guess the amount and time you would be spending on your trip, even if your budget is going to be tight than a skinny jeans. These apps also give out a lot of information about the places you wish to visit.+


6. Share Information – Be as brilliant as you can and when you share your knowledge about travel planning with your family and friends they believe you as a pro. Be it the hotel booking, flight hacks or just the overall vacation planning, they should be consulting you for each and every need. Even if you plan a road trip, your knowledge will help you get through difficult t routes.

No matter what is the mode of your transport, travel itinerary is extremely important and when you do your vacation plans, thing like hotel, flight and car booking come into picture. So now that you’re aware of all the lesser known ways of making the most out of your trip planning, we are sure you will have a blast at your vacations.

The 6 Biggest Trip Planning Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

Whether you are travelling abroad for the every first time or every year, there are some common mistakes everybody tends to make. Anything can go wrong right from making a travel plan to designing a travel itinerary through travel planner. The good news is, with a proper trip plan and a little care you can easily avoid these mistakes which saves you a lot of money as well as energy too.

Here are the 6 biggest trip planning mistakes you can easily avoid

1)Booking Late –


Many people tend to book their tickets right before leaving for the trip or a week before their vacation plan eventually ending up spending a lot more cash on tickets. It is never a good idea to book tickets that late. Always remember to do your booking early, at least a month or two before your trip. This not only saves you a lot of money but also ample time to plan your trip properly. Tuesdays and Wednesday are the days when ticket prices are the lowest. Therefore, try to book them on Tuesdays.    Always remember to be flexible with dates and do your bookings accordingly.

2)Over Packing –

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Remember to pack light always. You don’t want to end up all exhausted because of the weight of your luggage having the stuff you don’t really need. Try to pack the things that are actually important and useful. Over packing may cause problems as flying down to other country with the extra luggage is stressful. Therefore, try to avoid heavy luggage and try to make it as minimalistic as possible.

3)Not having a Travel Insurance –

Travel Insurance from Anywhere Anytime Journeys on Vimeo.

Having good travel insurance covers you on your cancellations. This saves you from paying lots of money. We always tend to ignore this option as we think nothing will happen. This should not be done. Always see to it that you have a good travel insurance that covers you on different things before you leave for your trip.

4)Missing Documents –


Keeping all the important documents in your luggage or hand bag is very important right when you are making a travel itinerary. You don’t want to end up stuck in a situation where you are stopped from doing a thing because you don’t have a certain document which is required. Hence, always keep a habit of putting up all the important documents and their copy in your hand bag. They should be easily accessible to you whenever required. Also, if you travelling abroad, it is important to let your bank know about it. If you face some problems regarding cash, you can always contact your bank.

5)Language and Currency Barrier – Visiting a foreign land you have never been to before? Wondering how to interact with people? Try to learn few basic words in their local language. It really helps as you can have good conversations with the people out there. Also knowing that you know their language makes them feel better, and as a result it builds your relationship with them easily. Knowing few basic words for greeting is sufficient. Also, remember to stack yourself up with some local currency as soon as you land in to the country. This helps you deal with the transactions easily.

6)Valuables Safety –

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It is very important to keep your valuables safe when you travel. We tend to ignore putting up locks and tags to our luggage to keep it safe. And thus we end up losing it. To avoid this mistake, always keep a habit of looking up to your luggage’s safety when you are travelling abroad.

Having a first aid box is also a must on your every trip. Never forget that. And remember, travel is all about the journey, so don’t worry, take good care, pack well and go for it.

What’s Stopping You From Traveling?

Well, this has been a given thing that people have various reasons and excuses always, for not traveling. For some it’s too much of money investment, whereas for some it takes a toll on the health. We’ve heard this line a zillion times. Does it really matter? Why would you not explore such a beautiful world out there for such silly reasons? Why is it that some people ‘do’ manage to travel and some just ‘don’t’, we’re now going to the bottom of this mysterious topic. We have drafted up the best responses, just to convince you that these excuses are pure bullshit and nothing more. Read on here!

1. Money Matters –


This has been a biggest constraint for most of them but please understand traveling is not always a costly affair. In fact it can be done in a much cheaper way through free trip planner, like for example you could save huge money on your stay by taking up couch surfing or hiring a home stay and shared apartment instead of a lavish hotel. You could also save big on flight bookings by using the discount coupons and deals online. Ditch airways, take up a ferry or a ship to enjoy your journey in a unique way. These travel hacks will help you plan a budget trip!

2. Language Barriers –


If you’re a language lover, you would know there’s so much fun in learning new languages and that it isn’t much of a big deal. Just get some really quick handy guide books which would have translations for the most commonly used words. Thanks to the internet era, we have so many language translating apps out there, get any one of the best Google translator app and just get started. It’s that simple!

3. Health concerns –


You can surely take good care of your health if you plan the trip smartly. Always do a good study of the place you’ll be traveling. Check out the restaurants, local healthy foods and fruits out there, climatic conditions, etc. It’s always a good idea to go for nutritious organic foods rather than ready-to-cook packets. Also in the brunch time, you could munch on some nuts, dry fruits and boiled veggies. Also, maintain basic hygiene and you shall be fine!

4. Lack of time –


Invest your time in traveling, it is as good as earning money, because you earn an amazing experience of discovering the world. This is something money can surely buy, so just take out time from your busy schedules and go explore the mountains. They teach you all that city roads cannot. They say, if you haven’t travelled, you’ve seen just one page of your life. So make it large, you have just one life to see and do everything. You’ll cherish the time spent on traveling. It’s a promise.

5. Disagreement of parents/ family – Well, they might be not agreeing or allowing you to travel alone out of care and concern. Earn their trust, start managing things and daily activities on your own. Set a belief in their mind that you’re an independent individual and that you have the guts to travel alone. Explain them the benefits and fun of a solo travel journey, hire a trip planner, and get started with your journey. Assure them you shall be safe.

6. Fear of Travel –

The Irrational Fear of Nothing from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.

Scared of socializing? Please go for it then, unless and until you face your fears, you will not overcome them.

We’re sure these smart travel tips will help you keep away those excuses and take up an adventure tour soon!

15 Hiking Tips For Beginners

Hiking is one of the most exciting parts of Travel. If you are planning a trip to do some hiking in your trip plan do include it in your travel itinerary in such a way that you have a day to rest after you are finished with your hiking. Hiking can really enhance your adventure experience part of your whole vacation plan. It can be exciting and fun if prepared well. And if it is your first hike, then you should take proper care.

Here are 15 hiking tips for beginners

1) Research –


Doing proper research is the very first step that should be taken if you are planning a hiking trip. Also, check the weather report of the place before planning. And don’t forget to see if there is some problem going on at the place beforehand so that you can postpone your trip or change the destination.

2) Start small – It is always advisable to do you first few hikes on a small and safe distance. There is a chance you may get lost or hurt. Therefore, starting small is always advisable.

3) Company –


Having at least two people with you on your first hike is always a good idea. You get a good company if something happens enroute plus you never get bored if you have people with you.

4) Contact – If it is your very first hike, try to tell a person where you are going and what is the expected time of your return. In case of emergencies, the person can be contacted.

5) Prepare – Knowing your route beforehand is always helpful. Also, have a good read about emergency contacts and places near your hiking trail to contact in case of emergencies.

6) Accessories –

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Keeping a route map of the trail and a compass is always helpful.

7) Proper Clothing –

Proper Clothing

It is advisable to wear clothes that you are most comfortable in. You should be comfortable in completing the whole trail in those cloths. Therefore, it is advisable to wear loose and comfortable cotton clothes.

8) Light Source –

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It is very important to have a good torch light or head light with you, especially if you planning to hike at night.

9) Minimalistic Backpack – Try to keep your backpack as light as possible. As you will be walking for hours through sunlight which absorbs your energy, it is more tiring if you have a heavy load on your back. Hence, make a habit of having only the most required things on your backpack. This should include sunglasses, caps and a minimal hiking kit.

10) Shoes –


Having the right pair of shoes is equally important while. You just can’t go out wearing your casuals or sneakers for hiking. Buy a pair of shoes that can stand rocks and water as well.

11) First-aid Kit – You never know what emergencies may occur during your hike. Therefore, it is must to have a basic first aid kit which includes bandages, gauze, alcohol wipes, Benadryl, ointments and some pain killers.

12) Stay Hydrated –

Water-to-Go: Water Filtration System from Wanderlust FP on Vimeo.

It is a must to have plenty of water with you while hiking. Hiking drains your water levels thus by dehydrating you. Staying hydrated helps you regain those water levels.

13) Avoid Litter – Never spill garbage or plastic bags throughout your trail. Have a habit of collecting them and dumping them after your hike.

14) Pack some Snacks –


You may be hungry and down on energy while hiking and the worst that could happen is you don’t find anything to eat. For such cases, keep some light snacks with you to always keep your energy levels high.

15) Prepare for the worst- You never know what will happen. Therefore, it is always advisable to keep a knife, lighter, power bank, etc.

Lastly, Always be prepared, take good care hit the road.


The toughest part about planning round the globe tour is the tedious task of planning the expenses and finding the best deals in the market. For instance, every tour and deal seems profitable but its only when you sit and compare it with other online vacation planner websites you realizes your losses and gains. So get ready to master the art of planning a trip all by yourself. A low budget and affordable one, that lets you travel the entire world!

1. Reduce Expenses- It’s all in your hands, you can always cut down on baseless and useless things and stop splurging too much on luxury utilities. It would be hard to believe but if you sit down to calculate, you’d realize that’s a substantial amount of figure.

2. Plan Early – Begin your trip planning a good 6-7months in advance so that you can keep up with all the latest offers and deals that are currently trending. You’re going to travel across the globe, hence traveling smart and safe is equally important.


3. Check out Packages – Check out seasonal travel discounts and couponing sites to avail attractive package deals on a bunch of countries. Most of the travel websites and portals will offer you festive deals too. The best time to book your holiday is during summers, if you plan a trip in winters. Connect with your tour planner for more accurate details.

4. Start Mini Journeys- Warming up yourself is extremely important as your body needs to get ready for the hustle and bustle of climatic changes and other behavioral habits. Take a break and prepare your own travel itinerary, plan a road trip or go on a holiday to a nearby hill station.

5. Prepare Yourself- Be it financially, mentally or physically, travel means lots of hard work on your mind body and soul, and for which your mental health is extremely important. To strategically plan your vacation and the bank balance, you need a stable mind and favorable conditions.

6. Maintain a Separate Travel Account-Be determined if you’ve decided something, and act accordingly. It is important to take necessary steps for the plan you have. Have a separate travel fund and maintain it regularly. It’ll be surprising but you will end up collecting a substantial amount.


7. Quit Alcohol and Smoking Habits- This will benefit you in the long run for your travel goals. Believe it or not, but this too, is an investment that you make to protect your life and live a safer journey throughout. Moreover, just imagine the hefty amount that you’d save by not buying all this stuff. This surely will be one huge saving

8. Spend Some Time on Good Research- Research and a good study about the places you want to visit, is a key to a successful journey. Make an itinerary template and a map of the routes then begin your search in that direction. Check out affordable ways to reach there, best times to travel and stay options. Once you’re sorted with this, you’re half done.

9. Aim to Earn at every Location you Visit- For instance, say if your budget for overall spends was around $34,000, aim to earn at least some amount on your each destination, how? Go teach langauges , volunteer, help in social activities etc. Take up travel writing, blogging. This too, will help you recover your spends to some extent. The best part? You do not take along your empty pockets, but more memories and money of course!


Follow these tricks and your vacation plans are sure to turn out a total win-win! Don’t forget to shop for travel merchandise, clothes, shoes, backpacks and other gadgets, accessories from a sports store. It is always a good idea to carry affordable yet branded accessories on travel. A good digital camera is enough, there’s no need to stuff up the heavy DSLR in your bag. Pack only what you genuinely require and be sorted with the luggage. If you overdo things, you’re sure to get worked up, confused and stressed out during the journey. Also, there’s a chance of theft or loss of baggage, so when you got minimum luggage, it makes it easier to travel.