Tag Archives: Singapore itinerary

Best Travel Secrets About Singapore no One will Share with you

A land of multiple cultures, confluence of the East and West, a new face of changing scenario among the third world countries, Singapore is an exemplary city-state of the world. After Vatican City and Monaco, Singapore, in Malaysia is the only state in the world with a city of its own and its sovereign rule. Once an underdeveloped third-world member, this city has progressed immensely and now is placed among the developed states of the world; that too in just 50 years! There are a lot of things about Singapore that never stop charming and fascinating the onlooker.

Want to know more about this surreal South Asian city? Here is a list of some of the untold things about Singapore you can visit here with the help of Singapore Itinerary planner

1. Night Zoo of Singapore

Night Zoo of Singapore
Night Safari in Singapore is the only night zoo in the world and also one of the most famous tourist attractions in Singapore. The zoo opens for public only in the night and is a house to some of the endangered species on the earth. Interestingly, the zoo is lit with lights of frequency equalling the moonlight so that the animals are visible to the visitors and also the day-cycle of the animals remains undisturbed.

2. Highest man-made waterfall

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Jurong BirdPark is a home to plethora of birds brought from distant parts of the world. Endangered birds, tropical birds, flightless birds, owls, arctic species and a lot more can be seen over here. Also the park is known for its waterfall, which is incidentally, one of the world’s highest man-made waterfalls with a height of 30feet.

3. Suntec City
Suntec City in Singapore is said to be one of the biggest multi-purpose constructions in Malaysia. The buildings and towers are built according to the feng shui and they appear like a left hand, when seen from the aerial. Also the famous Fountain of wealth appears as if a ring placed in the left hand which signifies wealth and prosperity, according to the belief.

4. Merlion- Singapore’s Mascot

Merlion- Singapore’s Mascot.jpg
Standing on the shores of Singapore River, this huge mystic creation consists of two species-lion from the top and a fish from the bottom. Another interesting fact is that the name of the city-state was derived from a Sanskrit word which means state of lions. Ironically, there were no lions in the place until recently, and at present, can be found only in limited zoos.

5. Green city-Singapore
This fabulous and magical land of Malaysia is also known as one of the greenest cities in the world, with around 4 National Parks, natural habitats and 17 national reservoirs. Also there are many natural trails, gardens and the roadsides are decked with green shrubs as well as trees.

6. Tropical Orchid Garden

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Singapore also prides for owning the world’s largest tropical orchid garden. Singapore Botanical Garden is a 156 years’ old botanical garden situated at the heart of Singapore. Within this garden is situated National Orchid Garden, with a wide range of beautiful and colourful orchids.

7. Single? Get ready to mingle!
Singapore Government takes care of each citizen personally and also has its own dating site for the people who have been single for a long time and looking for a partner. Also the government organises marriages and most of the couples in the city are the ones who got married in public marriage ceremonies, held by the State.

8. Zoo- No Bar!
Ideally the word zoo draws a picture of tall cages and animals lurking behind them. But, Singapore Zoo is one such zoo where there are no cages at all! Animals are kept in open spaces and are provided with their natural habitat, in order to keep their freedom and health. So, don’t be surprised if you see few beautiful wild creatures making sounds from the corners of the trees and welcome you in the most natural way possible!

9. Majulah Singapura
Pick up a SGD $1000 note and flip it backwards. You can see the lyrics of Singapore’s national anthem ‘Majulah Singapura’ written over it in small, embossed letters. On all other paper currency of Singapore, only the words ‘Majulah Singapura’ are written over them.

So, when are you planning your visit to Singapore? Plan Singapore itinerary including some of the best things to do in Singapore such as sigh-seeing, visiting natural trials and zoos, boating and a lot more.