Travel plans surely need ample of budgeting and if you end up creating a mess with your travel itinerary, everything else can go wrong. Most of the times people end up spending a bomb over unnecessary things and then fret over extra budget.

Which is why, we are here to share 10 secret easy travel tips that will help you save money

ATM Budget –While people must be using apps like Mint, to track their expenses, you can on the other hand consider setting a weekly budget and spend only that much. Organized travel here through itinerary planner .

Carry-on only – Reduce the extra baggage load and get smart. Carry a handbag and a backpack that’s convenient and easy to take on rides. This way you can easily make through any public transport and don’t really need to hire a taxi or a cab. This is also a great idea if you want to plan a road trip

Sleep trains –

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If you’re sure that you will be traveling to a specific place at a given time, consider train travels that too during night, this way you will save the hotel stay costs

Supermarket dining – It can be tempting to try out different cuisine while you are in a different country but this will also cost you a fortune. So to save yourself from the expensive meals, you can either visit a local grocery store or a market and have a delicious meal at affordable costs

Ditch hotels –


Hotel stays for longer journeys and travel plans and dig a really big hole to your pockets, hence better avoid.  If you’re adventurous enough, go for couch surfing, or home stay options.

Travel off season – You know it’s a holiday time and the entire world would be out for a vacation, obviously hotel and flight rates would be at peek. So what’s the point in traveling in such a crowd? Instead, travel off season when the rates are quite low and there are ample of tourists free streets out there. Make sure your trip planner helps you with this.

Utilize travel card points –

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While you cover miles on your travel card, you also earn yourself bonus brownie points that can be utilized on your next trip. Make sure you collect a huge number and enjoy the benefits on your international trips

Book in advance – Well, of course, booking your flight and hotel in advance is definitely a key to save huge, but another secret is that, flight rates are lower on weekdays than on weekends. So, whenever you book, do it on Mondays or Wednesdays, preferably. Make an itinerary template that would help you plan your bookings systematically.

Travel slow-

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No need to rush in every destination that you hear about. Understand your interests and check out places you really wanted to visit, not just because it’s a tourists attraction spot.

Carry a first-aid- Better to have your own medical kit than spending huge on doctors and clinics outside.