Tag Archives: Hiking Tips

15 Hiking Tips For Beginners

Hiking is one of the most exciting parts of Travel. If you are planning a trip to do some hiking in your trip plan do include it in your travel itinerary in such a way that you have a day to rest after you are finished with your hiking. Hiking can really enhance your adventure experience part of your whole vacation plan. It can be exciting and fun if prepared well. And if it is your first hike, then you should take proper care.

Here are 15 hiking tips for beginners

1) Research –


Doing proper research is the very first step that should be taken if you are planning a hiking trip. Also, check the weather report of the place before planning. And don’t forget to see if there is some problem going on at the place beforehand so that you can postpone your trip or change the destination.

2) Start small – It is always advisable to do you first few hikes on a small and safe distance. There is a chance you may get lost or hurt. Therefore, starting small is always advisable.

3) Company –


Having at least two people with you on your first hike is always a good idea. You get a good company if something happens enroute plus you never get bored if you have people with you.

4) Contact – If it is your very first hike, try to tell a person where you are going and what is the expected time of your return. In case of emergencies, the person can be contacted.

5) Prepare – Knowing your route beforehand is always helpful. Also, have a good read about emergency contacts and places near your hiking trail to contact in case of emergencies.

6) Accessories –

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Keeping a route map of the trail and a compass is always helpful.

7) Proper Clothing –

Proper Clothing

It is advisable to wear clothes that you are most comfortable in. You should be comfortable in completing the whole trail in those cloths. Therefore, it is advisable to wear loose and comfortable cotton clothes.

8) Light Source –

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It is very important to have a good torch light or head light with you, especially if you planning to hike at night.

9) Minimalistic Backpack – Try to keep your backpack as light as possible. As you will be walking for hours through sunlight which absorbs your energy, it is more tiring if you have a heavy load on your back. Hence, make a habit of having only the most required things on your backpack. This should include sunglasses, caps and a minimal hiking kit.

10) Shoes –


Having the right pair of shoes is equally important while. You just can’t go out wearing your casuals or sneakers for hiking. Buy a pair of shoes that can stand rocks and water as well.

11) First-aid Kit – You never know what emergencies may occur during your hike. Therefore, it is must to have a basic first aid kit which includes bandages, gauze, alcohol wipes, Benadryl, ointments and some pain killers.

12) Stay Hydrated –

Water-to-Go: Water Filtration System from Wanderlust FP on Vimeo.

It is a must to have plenty of water with you while hiking. Hiking drains your water levels thus by dehydrating you. Staying hydrated helps you regain those water levels.

13) Avoid Litter – Never spill garbage or plastic bags throughout your trail. Have a habit of collecting them and dumping them after your hike.

14) Pack some Snacks –


You may be hungry and down on energy while hiking and the worst that could happen is you don’t find anything to eat. For such cases, keep some light snacks with you to always keep your energy levels high.

15) Prepare for the worst- You never know what will happen. Therefore, it is always advisable to keep a knife, lighter, power bank, etc.

Lastly, Always be prepared, take good care hit the road.