Tag Archives: Fear From Traveling

What’s Stopping You From Traveling?

Well, this has been a given thing that people have various reasons and excuses always, for not traveling. For some it’s too much of money investment, whereas for some it takes a toll on the health. We’ve heard this line a zillion times. Does it really matter? Why would you not explore such a beautiful world out there for such silly reasons? Why is it that some people ‘do’ manage to travel and some just ‘don’t’, we’re now going to the bottom of this mysterious topic. We have drafted up the best responses, just to convince you that these excuses are pure bullshit and nothing more. Read on here!

1. Money Matters –


This has been a biggest constraint for most of them but please understand traveling is not always a costly affair. In fact it can be done in a much cheaper way through free trip planner, like for example you could save huge money on your stay by taking up couch surfing or hiring a home stay and shared apartment instead of a lavish hotel. You could also save big on flight bookings by using the discount coupons and deals online. Ditch airways, take up a ferry or a ship to enjoy your journey in a unique way. These travel hacks will help you plan a budget trip!

2. Language Barriers –


If you’re a language lover, you would know there’s so much fun in learning new languages and that it isn’t much of a big deal. Just get some really quick handy guide books which would have translations for the most commonly used words. Thanks to the internet era, we have so many language translating apps out there, get any one of the best Google translator app and just get started. It’s that simple!

3. Health concerns –


You can surely take good care of your health if you plan the trip smartly. Always do a good study of the place you’ll be traveling. Check out the restaurants, local healthy foods and fruits out there, climatic conditions, etc. It’s always a good idea to go for nutritious organic foods rather than ready-to-cook packets. Also in the brunch time, you could munch on some nuts, dry fruits and boiled veggies. Also, maintain basic hygiene and you shall be fine!

4. Lack of time –


Invest your time in traveling, it is as good as earning money, because you earn an amazing experience of discovering the world. This is something money can surely buy, so just take out time from your busy schedules and go explore the mountains. They teach you all that city roads cannot. They say, if you haven’t travelled, you’ve seen just one page of your life. So make it large, you have just one life to see and do everything. You’ll cherish the time spent on traveling. It’s a promise.

5. Disagreement of parents/ family – Well, they might be not agreeing or allowing you to travel alone out of care and concern. Earn their trust, start managing things and daily activities on your own. Set a belief in their mind that you’re an independent individual and that you have the guts to travel alone. Explain them the benefits and fun of a solo travel journey, hire a trip planner, and get started with your journey. Assure them you shall be safe.

6. Fear of Travel –

The Irrational Fear of Nothing from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.

Scared of socializing? Please go for it then, unless and until you face your fears, you will not overcome them.

We’re sure these smart travel tips will help you keep away those excuses and take up an adventure tour soon!