Tag Archives: About Cancun

Cancun Travel Can Be Made Enjoyable and Memorable by Holding A few Tips In Mind

Cancun otherwise known as the Mexican Caribbean is one of the most famed tourist spot. As a single women traveler I was suggested to visit the vacation spot during December to April which is the peak period for tourists. The people of South Mexico and Central America hold the prestigious name for having invented zero and their own solar calendar. They also had skillful space scientist that inspected the planetary motion with naked eyes. As a single women traveler to Cancun I was also passionate about numbers. I enjoyed each and every moment visiting Cancun through trip planner, so let me share a few experiences and tips of mine.

About Cancun-
Women travelers are the most rated shopaholics, but this will never workout as the prices are not reasonable at Cancun. I visited Cancun and got to know the Mayan culture, the city was once highland which is now built into fine buildings by Maya people. The Mayans has Massive pyramids being built which they worship. By getting there I learned a lot about their culture and tradition.

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Approaches for Female Women Travelers-
I assure and agree that Cancun is quite a safe place for single women travelers. Hotels which are nearer to shopping and action would be best for all solo travelers to have their best time. If you’re a single women traveler to Cancun then I would suggest you to check into to Dreams ME, Riu Cancun, and Gran Caribe Real. They are really safe for women travelers who step into the place with full of hopes to enjoy a safe trip. You can definitely list out your budget and pick one according to it. The people around here are very friendly and help at times when you need help. I’m sure I did not sense the feeling of being alone all through my trip.

Places Of Interest In Cancun-

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There are plentiful places and things to do in Cancun for solo traveler. The Chichen Itza is a place to be visited by all which has the El Castillo, which speaks the history of Mayan culture. I really enjoyed the early morning view of the El Castillo’s shadow which predicted a serpent. I visited Tulum which offered me another chance to learn about the Mayan people. The Temple of Frescoes is the most important temple visited which depicts the astronomers and solar importance. If you’re the interested in swimming don’t forget the oceans and beaches to have an exciting experience.

Safe Advices For Women-
I Highly recommend women not to leave of absence their drinks unattended, situations arise for mixing drugs and indulge in prostitution
Hunt through the ample sites before setting for your trip for advices and tips
Choose a resort or hotel which you think can offer you with hundred per cent safety.
Always be bold enough in your body language and communication, which initiates a fear for strangers to approach you
Avoid late night partying or hang out in the city

For more details about planning a trip to this city, shopping, accommodation and other information Cancun trip planner is always there, who helps out with useful information and help.