Category Archives: Travelling on a Budget

The cheapest way to travel with ultimate guide to cheap travel and also how to afford world travel on a budget with lots of money saved.

How to Plan a Trip to Sydney

The enchanting emanation and impeccable zeal that Sydney is blessed with, is a straight answer to all those who question it’s recognition as one of the most livable cities in the world. Sydney proudly boasts of a never foreseen cultural medley and manifests it with an assortment of international cuisines and a stretch of distinguishable architectural marvels. Here, the diversity in language, ethnicity and race is beautifully masked by harmony and peace. Visiting Sydney is not just about sightseeing and clicking photos, it’s also about experiencing the cosmopolitan yet traditional vibes the atmosphere here imposes. This is why, Sydney should be a must on your bucket list. Planning a trip to Sydney already? Take help of Triphobo and create your itinerary for Sydney. Here is a little glimpse on some points to keep in mind while planning your trip

1.How to reach Sydney

SydneyThe Government of Australia has been implementing many plans to increase number of international tourists visiting Sydney. This has incurred the Sydney International Airport with a plenty of flights connecting many major cities of the World with Sydney. There are a plethora of international flight routes and flight schedules that have Sydney as their destination. Not only this, there are flights that connect Sydney to some remote and less populated cities too. So, search for flights from your city to Sydney and get going

2.Plan your Budge
A traveller with tight budget or a traveller willing to spend loads of money on this trip, regardless of who you are, you always need to plan the trip budget. Not only the travel and accommodation expenses, but also the local transport, shopping and meal expenses need to be considered while calculating a budget. Planning your budget prior to the trip will help you spend wisely, avoid financial nuisances and emergencies, will sort your priorities and make your trip organised.

3.List the things you want to do in Sydney

You will be overwhelmed by the knowledge of just how vast and scenic Sydney is! There are a lot of places that must not be missed by a traveller. Limited amount of time and numerous things to do will put you under a lot of pressure and will make you confused. But hey! You can always create your itinerary on Triphobo according to your preferences and plan your stay in Sydney. Think thoroughly and prioritize as per your interests. Also, pay attention on the distance between two attractions you wish to visit in the same day.

4.Where to stay in Sydney?
Now that you have jotted down your budget, dates and itinerary, let’s come to the most important aspect of your trip. Planning your stay always depends on your budget and the places you are willing to visit. Whether you prefer staying near the airport or are a beach baby and want to chill at the beach resort or are planning to get the most of the Opera house by staying nearby, there are hotels at every prime location of the city. You will find a suitable hotel for every need. Just decide on the area and your specific budget and get set go!

Planning a trip to a vibrant and huge city like Sydney can be a difficult task and can drain your senses. Just follow these steps and experience the time of your life at World’s most beautiful Harbour city- Sydney!

8 Luxury Camping Trips that are Worth it!

Are you the kind of person who cannot ever decide what is better out of the two options that are given to you? You like to have that adventure, but leaving your comfort does not seem like a great idea to you. Do you often keep wondering how would you enjoy the simpler things in life when all you are looking for are the final things in life. Well, then you seem to have missed out on a new trend called “glamping”. Essentially the amalgamation of luxury while keeping the basics of camping, this process seems to have really caught up with avid travellers in the recent times. Here is a list of 8 luxury camping trips that are worth it:-


  • Seaside Casita, Mexico- Close to the Mayan ruins

Well, this place is situated very close to where the Mayan civilization once was. These boutique hotel rooms cum casitas are a perfect mixture of both experiences. Right from lush greens to staying in midst of pristine waters, Seaside Casita in Mexico is a definite hit on the list of 8 luxury camping trips that are worth it! Use travel itinerary builder to create a personalized itinerary for your vacation

  • Patagonia Camp, Chile- Stay still on silts!

There is a reason why this one is featured so prominently on our list of 8 luxury camping trips that are worth it! First to start with, this entire campsite is balanced beautifully on stilts. For your accommodation, there are tents that keep you so connected to the ground and yet give you an experience as high as the skies. You stay super close to nature and still stay in the midst of energy and heat at all times.

  • The Tree House Hotel, Jaipur- Right in the middle of your existence!

Well, all of us know how important trees are for our survival. This one is not a part of many lists that feature glamping sights, but we have a special corner for it. This amazing tree house experience is completely full of the amenities you need to have a luxurious getaway and in a way transports you right back to your childhood where you climbed up and hid in your favourite tree houses.

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  • Whitepod, Switzerland- Cool Camping!

This one is literally the very cool type of glamping experience because of the inclusion of snow in the entire process. Based on the idea of a fishing trip, whitepod in Switerland basically replaces tents with dome shaped pods and fishing with dog sledging and snow shoeing. This place also boasts of private ski slopes and offers you a relaxing massage to end your trip with.

  • Greystoke Mahale, Tanzania- Get wild with the sun!

If you are a wildlife lover and are reading this article upto this point, then we are pretty sure you are going to book this destination right away if you have not already experienced it. Imagine 6 huts nestled right in the middle of wilderness and no road by your side? But these are not your ordinary huts, these are luxurious huts which boast of chimpanzee wake up calls and rhythm of birds all day with sights that you will definitely not see tucked under such comfort.

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  • Banyan Tree, Maldives- Live the fantasy of getting lost on an island

With 18 people permitted on this island at a time, this resort has taken glamping to another level. With an option of dolphin cruises, catamaran trips, night-fishing excursions, imagine staying in a villa with a living, sleeping and bathing area all made with complete dedication to nature.

  • Fireside Resort, Wyoming- Feel like running wild?

Fireside Resort features in our list of 8 luxury camping trips that are worth it for two reasons. One being in the vicinity of the Grand Teton National Park and two because you get your own private cabin with a campfire pit, imagine mixing the conventional bonfire with privacy, what can get hotter then this?

  • El Capitan Canyon, California

Imagine having a beach on one side and a forest on the other? Imagine witnessing the best features of wilderness from the comfort of your cabin? Imagine being in a canyon and yet sleeping comfortably at night? Well, all of this turns into reality with this amazing glamping experience!

How to Save Money on Sightseeing in Tokyo

Tokyo- the capital of Japan; is every traveler’s dream city. Originally known as a fishing village ‘Edo”, today the city has evolved as one of the most interesting places on the planet. A mélange of culture, modernization, nightlife and shopping, this is a city on every globe-trotters wish list.

For the self-sponsored traveller, however, Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities to plan a trip to. There are, however many free things to do in Tokyo as the whole city is a sightseeing capital!

In spite of the finances, Tokyo promises to be a memorable experience like no other. If you are about to cancel a visit to the beautiful city only because it is heavier on the wallet, read on to know how you can explore the city on bare minimum cost.

Plan a trip to Tokyo for best vacation.

Save up on the accommodation:

Couch Surf:
Couch surfing is perhaps the most convenient accommodation for the modern hobo. There are websites available where you can contact locals staying in Tokyo who will offer accommodation for free.


tokyo hotels
Hotels in Tokyo with inclusive meals are expensive with. Prefer the hotels only for accommodation as you will get more budget friendly meals while you explore the city. Capsule hotels are perfect if you don’t want a big space to go with your bed. Clean capsules with built-in TV and air conditioning gives you a taste of comfort in a limited budget.

Tokyo is flooded with hostels. You can get bare minimal accommodation here and have access to a kitchen where you can cook your own food. A must if you are travelling on a really tight budget.

Save up on the Transport:

Get a Japanese Rail Pass:

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If you are planning on exploring the cities close to Tokyo, then the pass will cost you just as much for a 7 day rail trip as it would for a day’s travel without pass.

Choose local trains instead of the Bullet trains:
Local trains are slower than the Bullet trains and cost much less. The local trains are ideal if you like to take in the city’s routes instead of rushing through the city in the bullet trains.

Prefer to walk around Tokyo:
The best way to explore the heart of the city, this will save you the subway and bus money. Taxis in Japan are costly and hence walking around the city will save you some hard cash.

Save up on the Meals:
Budget soul food restaurants: Restaurant chains like Yoshinoya and Shakey’s Pizza offer good quantity of food for a nice price. Other than that small restaurants flood the city that serve Ramen, Japanese Curry and Kaiten Sushi.

Convenience Food stores:
Restaurants in Tokyo can be a costly affair and is known for taking up a major chunk of your wallet. The city is however known for its convenient food stores which offer ready to eat meals at almost half the price! Even though you will have to ask for your food to be heated up and won’t find a place to sit and eat, this option is the perfect way to fill your tummy on a bare minimum budget.

Supermarkets usually have deals almost throughout the year. If you are looking for snacks and small meals, then hoard up on the supermarkets while you take your time exploring the city.

Tokyo from Lukas Backland on Vimeo.

Use the internet:

Search websites for coupons:
Use websites like Groupon to get discounts on hotels, restaurants, museums and other sightseeing places. The best way to save money at the last moment, this is a good way of not compromising on the quality of food and accommodation.

Book Hotels in advance:
Advance bookings will help you bag comfortable accommodation at a much lesser price that a last moment booking. Booking accommodation off season is also recommended. For Tokyo rainy season is the best time to do some budget travelling.

The best part about Tokyo is that most of the popular sightseeing places are free and even though a bit on the costlier side; you can find ways to save that extra buck for your next trip. With a little bit of planning, Tokyo can sure find a way in your itinerary.