The toughest part about planning round the globe tour is the tedious task of planning the expenses and finding the best deals in the market. For instance, every tour and deal seems profitable but its only when you sit and compare it with other online vacation planner websites you realizes your losses and gains. So get ready to master the art of planning a trip all by yourself. A low budget and affordable one, that lets you travel the entire world!

1. Reduce Expenses- It’s all in your hands, you can always cut down on baseless and useless things and stop splurging too much on luxury utilities. It would be hard to believe but if you sit down to calculate, you’d realize that’s a substantial amount of figure.

2. Plan Early – Begin your trip planning a good 6-7months in advance so that you can keep up with all the latest offers and deals that are currently trending. You’re going to travel across the globe, hence traveling smart and safe is equally important.


3. Check out Packages – Check out seasonal travel discounts and couponing sites to avail attractive package deals on a bunch of countries. Most of the travel websites and portals will offer you festive deals too. The best time to book your holiday is during summers, if you plan a trip in winters. Connect with your tour planner for more accurate details.

4. Start Mini Journeys- Warming up yourself is extremely important as your body needs to get ready for the hustle and bustle of climatic changes and other behavioral habits. Take a break and prepare your own travel itinerary, plan a road trip or go on a holiday to a nearby hill station.

5. Prepare Yourself- Be it financially, mentally or physically, travel means lots of hard work on your mind body and soul, and for which your mental health is extremely important. To strategically plan your vacation and the bank balance, you need a stable mind and favorable conditions.

6. Maintain a Separate Travel Account-Be determined if you’ve decided something, and act accordingly. It is important to take necessary steps for the plan you have. Have a separate travel fund and maintain it regularly. It’ll be surprising but you will end up collecting a substantial amount.


7. Quit Alcohol and Smoking Habits- This will benefit you in the long run for your travel goals. Believe it or not, but this too, is an investment that you make to protect your life and live a safer journey throughout. Moreover, just imagine the hefty amount that you’d save by not buying all this stuff. This surely will be one huge saving

8. Spend Some Time on Good Research- Research and a good study about the places you want to visit, is a key to a successful journey. Make an itinerary template and a map of the routes then begin your search in that direction. Check out affordable ways to reach there, best times to travel and stay options. Once you’re sorted with this, you’re half done.

9. Aim to Earn at every Location you Visit- For instance, say if your budget for overall spends was around $34,000, aim to earn at least some amount on your each destination, how? Go teach langauges , volunteer, help in social activities etc. Take up travel writing, blogging. This too, will help you recover your spends to some extent. The best part? You do not take along your empty pockets, but more memories and money of course!


Follow these tricks and your vacation plans are sure to turn out a total win-win! Don’t forget to shop for travel merchandise, clothes, shoes, backpacks and other gadgets, accessories from a sports store. It is always a good idea to carry affordable yet branded accessories on travel. A good digital camera is enough, there’s no need to stuff up the heavy DSLR in your bag. Pack only what you genuinely require and be sorted with the luggage. If you overdo things, you’re sure to get worked up, confused and stressed out during the journey. Also, there’s a chance of theft or loss of baggage, so when you got minimum luggage, it makes it easier to travel.

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